Store Experience Map
A research team asked us to help them with an experience map. They had basic outline in place and wanted more of visual help to communicate this enormous amount of information.
It shows the journey comparison between general shoppers and gamers. It illustrates what customers do, how they feel and what are the opportunities in different phases of their product buying cycle.
How to effectively present the enormous amount of information so that user can easily parse and draw connections.
We started with basic research on existing experience maps. Then made sure that all the information we had is right and started exploring different approaches. Since there are so many different layers of information we sorted them into high level buckets and used colors draw connections. For e.g. different shades of blue has been used for different stages of journey.
Final Mock up
Visual designer
Myself, UX designer
Paired Presentation template
Designed a presentation template which showcased principles related to experience map. Used same colors for gamer and general shopper to tie both the assets together.